Anna and Varvara Kendel's profile

"Смотри: Байкал!"

A non-fiction book about the beautiful ancient Siberian lake Baikal.
buy the book on the publisher's website:

The book is in the finals of Samokat Publishing's 2019 Book Within contest
The majestic and unique Baikal, the most beautiful and deepest lake in the world, is the heritage of the entire planet. But for each of us, Baikal is different and special. Do you want to know your own Baikal?
The journey begins! 

We will show some spreads from the book in this project, as well as photos and sketches.  
Then you need a good guide. This unique book travel will prepare you for the meeting with real Baikal: we have collected different facts about its history, character and inhabitants, about routes of different difficulty level and tried to tell about problems Baikal is faced with now. There are so many problems, that this huge ancient lake really needs your help today. We'll tell you how to help and take part in Baikal's life from anywhere on Earth.
View of the mouth of the Angara River, the only river that flows from Baikal
Olkhon Island, the only inhabited island of Lake Baikal 
Exploring the depth and bottom of Lake Baikal with deep submersibles 
A bear family's spring walk
Winds are of great importance to the residents of Lake Baikal. 
Therefore, each wind has its own name. 
The sable living on the east coast is famous for its beauty and dark fur,
 and it is protected in the reserve. 
Nerps - the freshwater seals of Lake Baikal
In winter, amazing ice forms on the lake: Grottos, icicles, the thickness of the ice cover up to 1.5 meters! It's very beautiful. 
Neutrino telescope in the depths of Baikal waters.    
The railroad along the shores of the lake is more than 100 years old, this unique engineering structures ready to surprise tourists.
In the book, we draw attention to the problems of Lake Baikal caused 
by the presence of people.
And you can help the lake, become an organized cleanup site, and make a money transfer to one of the foundations that protect the lake.    
This project does not include all the spreads from the book, but only some of them.  
We made a lot of illustrations on the theme of Lake Baikal, which you can see in our project: 
Here are some of the illustrations we sent in for the 2019 contest. 
And some sketches:
Below will be photos of Anja from our travels in Baikal.
In 2018 we kayaked 400km along the west shore of Lake Baikal.

2021 we walked 200 km on skates on the ice of the lake. 

And lived on Olkhon Island for 5 months by kayaking around the island.

Sometimes Baikal is the world's biggest ice rink! 
In 2022 we lived another three months on the shores of Lake Baikal.
Прибой волн от осенних штормов застыл в причудливых узорах. 
A game of sun and wind. The dance of the icicles.
Did you find our little orange tent on the right side of the beach?
Diversity of the Baikal ice cover
The gas froze into the ice
Baikal became for us a very important place of inspiration, the beauty of nature, the kindness of people, moments lived on this lake will always remain in our hearts. 
Thank you for your attention! 
We won the XVI International Contest "Image of the Book" in the Non-fiction category for our illustrations for the book "Look: Baikal!
"Look: Baikal!" was included in Gaidar's annual catalog, "100 Best New Books," an annual list of recommended literature for children's reading! 
"Смотри: Байкал!"